Pumpkin Cupcakes with Maple-Ginger Frosting
I recently made some Halloween sugar cookies, pumpkin soup, and some delicious pumpkin pudding. Next on my list are pumpkin cupcakes. We bought a Halloween Sprinkle Set at Michael's. It's a set of all sorts of decorative toppings for cookies, cupcakes, etc. In doing a search for different recipes, I found this one with a maple-ginger frosting. Maple-ginger just sounds too good to pass up, so I've decided to try it. I'm planning on making them this weekend, and I can't wait! I just love Fall. Pumpkin is everywhere. It is one of my favorite flavors, and I love to make pumpkin desserts. It gives me the perfect excuse to go crazy making all sorts of pumpkin treats. (Not that I need an excuse, anyway!) ;)
For the recipe, go here: http://raspberryeggplant.blogspot.com/2007/11/pumpkin-cupcakes-with-maple-ginger.html