Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Halloween preparations

I am already starting to get a little bit anxious about being ready in time for Halloween. Even though it's next month, I guess I wasn't expecting to be so busy with school that I wouldn't have more time to devote to my decorating. My faux pumpkin still sits on my floor next to my bed, waiting to be transformed into some ghastly creation . Poor guy. He must feel so neglected. I also haven't finished my ceramic ghost holding his little jack-0-lantern. He's been sitting in our dining room forever, and is just too cute to not be included in the Halloween festivities this year. I still want to go back to Michael's and get at least one more pumpkin, as well as a few more things if I can afford them. Being on a budget seriously sucks around the holiday season. There is always way more stuff that I want to buy or create, but either don't have the time or the money for. *sigh* I really want to begin planning a costume. I'd like something different than last year, but am not sure what. I think it's about time to pay the Costume Mansion a visit. Perhaps I can do just that after I get the dreaded algebra test over with this Friday. I must also share that I saw the first house with Halloween decorations the other day! It was while I was doing my run through the neighborhood. As I passed the big, white house with the huge, black gates, I noticed a wooden pumpkin on a stick lining the driveway on the hill, and a banner that said 'Happy Halloween'. It actually made me smile to see someone else who is obviously looking forward to Halloween. But then, they were always into it. I remember those people from when we were kids, and we would trek up their steep driveway to go trick-or-treating. The wife would answer the door with a big bowl of candy, or with a plate full of homemade cookies, and she would seem so happy to see us. Back then, we had quite a few houses around here that were wonderful when it came to Halloween. That doesn't seem to be the case as much anymore. It's nice to know there is still at least one family that still enjoys it.

On another note, one nice thing is that it is slowly beginning to feel like Fall is on its way. The days are indeed getting shorter, and the mornings tend to have a chill in the air. I just love that. I love how after a long, hot summer those first days begin to appear, where you have to put on a sweater when you first get up in the morning. As I sit here writing this, I already feel like Fall is here. I keep waiting for the leaves to start turning red and gold, and for the streets--and our driveway--to be covered with them. The wait is almost over. Not much longer now. :)


suzanne said...

I can definitely relate. I always seem to have more projects swirling around in my head at this time of year than I know I will have the time or money to get finished. Good luck.

Tisha Leigh said...

Hi! Yep, I know what you mean. I can't wait until I'm done with school, and then I can devote way more time to the things I love-- like Halloween!

Grim said...

It's like you read my mind... too much to do, Algebra homework, not enough money, don't know what my costume will be. I wish that I could be working on Halloween stuff right now, but I leave for Algebra class in about 40 minutes so there really isn't any use in starting now. Luckily I'm not spending nearly as much as I usually do on Halloween since I'm making a lot of the stuff myself this year, but I still can't get all the stuff I would like. I guess that's kind of a good thing, since that'll give me something to do next year. School and work are definitely cutting into my time though, I think if I had a solid week of neither one I could get everything done... but that's not going to happen. I guess I just need to sit down and make a priorities list and start working!

Grim said...

Oh yeah, yesterday I saw the first Halloween decorations of the year in someones yard in my neighborhood. A simple jack o' lantern and two scarecrows... it put a smile on my face.

Tisha Leigh said...

I got some new stuff tonight at Walmart!!! Ok, so maybe it wasn't anything terribly exciting, but hey, ya take what ya can get, right?? LOL They had some super soft Halloween blankets (technically called a "throw"), and I got one that's black with jack-o-lanterns all over it. They had a set up in the middle of one of the aisles with a bunch of Halloween stuff. OMG! They have a 5ft tall witch that moves and sings! She's $100, but I'm hoping to save up for her. I really liked her. I also got a Hanging Lantern with Gauze. They had one with an evil jack face, and one that's a ghost. I bought the jack one. I'm going to hang it in my room tonight. hehe I want to buy a few more to put along the deck. They're only $5.00!

So, you're taking algebra, too?? I haven't had any math in 13 years, and I have a very hard time with it. I have to have up through intermediate algebra, and this beginning class is really hard. I've been working with tutors every day, and I have my first exam tomorrow morning! *gasp* I know I won't pass it. I just don't see how. I'm not ready yet. Yep, I'm back in college 'cuz I'm changing careers. What about you? What are you going for?

Grim said...

I'm in Algebra II right now, I had to take Algebra classes before I can take Pre-calculus and Applied Calculus for my degree. I was originally going to school to use my GI Bill before it ran out, but the place I work at pays my tuition also, so I'd be dumb not to go. I'm not planning on changing careers or anything, but if I ever do I want to do something totally different. I hope you do good on your exam! I always feel like I'm not going to do good on them, but once I start it's not so bad. I have learned that checking my answers to make sure they "fit" after I have worked out a problem has helped me more than anything.

Our Wal-Mart didn't have that cool stuff when I went, I'm going to have to go back and look again. I have got to find one of those "throws", I love those things. I bought more of that "freaky fabric" (that's what I think it's called anyway, the kind that looks kind of like cheesecloth with holes in it), I can always find a use for that stuff. I also got some Halloween pencils (they had packs of about 10 for $1.00) and two pumpkin carving sets which were also $1.00.